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Can't wait for the full release, I would love to see some more

Nice demo! Anyway to get the silver ticket in this version?


No, you can't get most of the items in the demo. Not just that, you don't even have many opportunities to use them. Wait for the next update, the tavern keeper will get a minigame that requires an extra ticket.


Oh, ok, thank you for clarifying!

last that he said on itch... i hope you alive and we win this war, слава україні

Very fun, combat feels fleshed out and fluid, story is pretty interesting, 

And I'm a sucker for games with alternate costumes, that's a great mechanic. If possible maybe add more costumes? I really like that idea.

I feel like light attacks (Z attacks) should be buffed for guys in armor, because as it stands 0.1 (to guys in armor) to 0.8 (to guys not in armor) damage isn't a lot... like at all,

The horny mechanic is pretty cool, I wouldn't say you get punished per se., but you do lose your ability to attack, overall the combat feels fine, and if you left the demo here and moved on to download only, the game would be fine. This is a great demo, and I hope you keep updating the game.

Thanks for the constructive feedback! Yeah, keeping the WebGL version as a demo and  updating the game as a downloadable full standalone app sounds like a great idea. Thanks a lot!


Anytime! I've seen a couple other developers do that, they add just enough content for you to get your feet in with the game and then send you off on your own or just outright end the demo.

I feel as though, unless you totally rework the game and change everything about it, this web version could be left as it is, a perfect if not better example of a demo. It's not incomplete, it feels fine and fluid, and if you told me the game's mechanics were complete and all you needed to do was work on areas and story, I'd believe you.

I'm actually kinda excited to see the rest of the game's development process.

Great demo, keep up the great work!


I stuck on loading screen anyone know why

Hey I know you're busy and all but this game looks really fun and I was just wondering if there's a download version or something since it's having trouble playing on my browser :)

Yeah, I'll try to build for both WebGL and Windows after the next update.

Thanks, that's great to hear, hope you're having fun making the game and stay hydrated.

good game i like the style


game is stuck on loading screen


Unable to parse Build/Webgl.framework.js.gz! This can happen if build compression was enabled but web server hosting the content was misconfigured to not serve the file with HTTP Response Header “Content-Encoding: gzip” present. Check browser Console and Devtools Network tab to debug.


Thanks, I'll look into it later, but can't promise much with no instructions how to reproduce the bug.

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beauty game

(1 edit) (+1)

This game is so well done! love the style! The animations are also great!

Assuming you blurred the model during the adult scenes because you don't have animations for them yet?

Also, curious why you chose to use arrows instead of WASD?

And one more question. why censor it when you remove her clothes? It's an adult game, and you see the breasts during the adult scenes anyway. It just seems weird.

I'd presume she's covering her breasts out of dignity.

And if it was for a normal game, that makes absolute sense. But this is a porn game, and the main character is clearly not shy based off of her interactions with the other characters. So in the context of the game's primary purpose (porn) it doesn't make sense, at least to me. Again the games awesome, I just don't get the contradiction to its purpose is all.

You're right.


Really glad you like it. And yes, it's pixelated because I don't have animations ready and they are not a main focus for me. The main focus is the mini game that overlays the stage. That's where I'm going to put my efforts by extending it and adding more animations.
Also, she covers her breasts because she is shy. Later I'll introduce the option to corrupt the main character and she will get bolder when naked. People will also start reacting to her being naked during dialogues eventually. 



Seconding the thing about options for making text go faster, as is I can't even get through the intro. Also, maybe make it so there is a bit more of a difference between quality settings, as is the Low setting is only a slight improvement over the High setting. This otherwise looks pretty promising, though... I look forward to trying out a future version of this with text options.

With the low quality setting lights are already downscaled to about 25% of the screen resolution. Any more and game will be looking like a joke. I should get more creative if I want to get an even better increase in speed. Can't promise much, because optimization of URP 2d renderer largely depends on Unity team's efforts. I should mention that the standalone Windows version runs way better than that. Maybe I'll build for both Windows and WebGL later.


Downloadable version please

It would be great if you had a standalone version of this. Mostly so I could...actually play it.

My PC should be more than powerful enough to run this, but running it in-browser is absolutely frying  my CPU and I'm getting literally 2 frames per second, with inputs being practically useless. And since the game speed is apparently tied to the framerate....

(1 edit) (+1)(-1)

Did you try changing quality settings? It actually helps. Well... it should help in theory. In the end of the month I'm going to update the game, then I'll try to build for Windows. Don't know if it's going to work, sometimes Unity can produce bugs out of nowhere.


very good! can you add the option to make text go faster or make it so you can skip to the end of the dialogue? thanks

Yeah, a bit further in the development I'll expand the settings menu. Dialogues-related options is a must have.

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